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Hengfeng-Wei讨论 | 贡献2016年10月12日 (三) 17:01的版本 (+publications)

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Hengfeng Wei (魏恒峰)

Contact: hengxin0912@gmail.com


 Hengfeng Wei, Yu Huang, Jian Lu. 
 Probabilistically-Atomic 2-Atomicity: Enabling Almost Strong Consistency in Distributed Storage Systems. 
 In IEEE Trans. Comput., xx(x):x--x , PrePrints, doi:10.1109/TC.2016.2601322, 2016.
 Hengfeng Wei, Marzio De Biasi, Yu Huang, Jiannong Cao, and Jian Lu. 
 Verifying Pipelined-RAM Consistency over Read/Write Traces of Data Replicas.
 In IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst., 27(5):1511--1523, 2016.
 Hengfeng Wei, Yu Huang, Jiannong Cao, Xiaoxing Ma, Jian Lu. 
 Formal Specification and Runtime Detection of Temporal Properties for Asynchronous Context. 
 In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications 
 (IEEE PerCom '12), pages 30--38, 2012.


- hengxin@GitHub: Open source projects

- hengxin@Bitbucket: Private repositories for unpublished papers and reports.

- hengxin@github.io: A blog hosted on GitHub

- hengxin@StackExchange